Monday, November 2, 2009
Supporting Videos on DISABLED!
Videos supporting corruption of the administration and exposure are disabled???
this is America! FREE SPEECH whether it supports your cause or not.
Wake up America!!
Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.... Read More
Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before.. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars
If you want to know part of what is REALLY going on look these names up:
Van Jones
Cass Sunstein
Robert Mcchesney (Nice video of Collins pinning him down on YouTube)... Read More
Mark Loyd... Read More
Those are or were some of Obama's Czars...
Did you ever notice that Liberal and Conservative seem to have converse meanings? Liberals are trying to take rights form people and Conservatives are trying to give them more. Think about it....
In more detail:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Healthcare / Insurance
The health care reform issue has become a big mess. We just can't agree, some want the socialist approach which has proven NOT to work in the countries that have adopted it and the others can't come up with a viable solution to help those who can't seem to help themselves.
The problems: people who are lazy or can't provide for themselves continue to receive hand outs for doing nothing. If you get welfare, you should have to participate in community service of some type. The solution is to help people GET OUT OF POVERTY, not give them a handout.
Health care is working for most, or at least those who have jobs, it's squeezing middle class, but most have choices. THE PROBLEM that has bought the health care system to where it is now, OVER PRICED AND LIMITED CHOICES lies with INSURANCE COMPANIES. We don't need health care reform, we need INSURANCE REFORM. All forms of insurance are shams. Executives continue to get huge annual bonuses, this industry gets RICH on the hardships of their clients. This is absolutely wrong!! ALL INSURANCE SHOULD BE NON PROFIT ONLY.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Obama for Change?
Obama is a progressive socialist that believes in the redistribusion of wealth to gain equal outcomes for all americans. I do not want or need his kind of change. We need real conservatives (not bush) to get us out of this mess. Spend money on things I can not afford when I am in debt has never worked for me.
Quoting my friend, Terry Moore
Its funny how many people blame Bush. He didn't ask for 911. As a matter of fact it was planned on Clinton's watch. If you want to see somethig funny Google Olilver North trying to tell Al gore who Osama Bin Laden is and why he is so afraid of him years before 911. Its a gas to watch that moron Igore belittle then Lt. colonel Oliver North in... Read More front of Congress. And it was not Busch but Clinton that passed the law that forced banks to loan money to lowlife's that we knew were a high risk of not being able to pay there loans. We gave unearned credit to the poor, every man deserves a home, and see what they got us. How many trillion dollars of debt? Obama isn't fixing Bush's mistakes but his own parties screwups when Clinton was trying to socialize America. You deserve only what you are willing to work for. If you want welfare then get a trailer or appartment and shut up. If you want a home get out there and bust your butt and earn it. Thats the only way it works.
Here is where the economy started going down. http://gatewaypundit.blogs
You must realize that they are the culprits behind the mortgage crisis.
In 2003, the Bush Administration attempted to create an agency to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The bill never made progress in Congress, facing sharp opposition by Democrats
Listen to this rhetoric: http://www.businessandmedi
I think we all have the chance to decide what we need to do.
Bush knew ALL about Obama. He was on their radar for a long time. Bush rules! "W"
Here is what the President said of himself. His own words.
On all accounts Iraq is looking like quite a success. I have no problem with ousting Hussien and spreading freedom. Bush and Iraq should be mentioned in the same sentence and congragulations to him. He freed a country and for less than 2,500 american lives. Bravo!!! How many did it take to free Europe?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Consumer Beware: Walmart!
Consumer beware, those 4" prints I just got back from Walmart are NOT standard 4x6 and therefore do NOT fit nicely into my 4x6 frames! ARG!! (5 3/4")
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Quoting Seth Godin's blog
[You're getting this note because you subscribed to Seth Godin's blog.]
"All I do is work here"
Over the past few months, I've had quite a few interactions with several people who work at a (previously great) brand.
One person will email to ask me for a favor or a connection, and I'll point out that just yesterday, I got three emails, all spam, from three different people at the organization either selling me something irrelevant or sending me a press release I didn't ask for. And the unsubscribe button doesn't work. And I've unsubscribed ten times before. When I pointed this out, he said, "Oh, that's those guys. I'm not related to them, all I do is work here. If you don't like getting that stuff, you should take it up with them."
Then, a few days ago, I heard from someone in a different group at the same company, asking for help with a project she was working on. I explained that the last time I helped someone in her group with a project, I was misquoted, my time was wasted and they violated whatever trust we had. Susan said, and I'm quoting precisely the same line, "All I do is work here. They pay my salary, but I'm me, not them."
No, Susan, you are them.
The reason your brand is falling apart is because so many of your colleagues are saying the same thing, denying the same responsibility. Consumers don't believe (or care) that there are warrens and fiefdoms and monarchies within your company. All they know is that you leverage that brand name every day, as you have for decades, but now, instead of using that brand to polish your reputation as an individual, you're being forced to accept responsibility for the actions of others.
Do you really think someone who worked for Bernie Madoff will go far with this line? "I'm not Bernie, I just worked with him every day and took a great salary when times were good..." Not sure what the difference is. It's even worse in your case, because you know what's happening. You know, but you don't want to do anything about it.
If you're not proud of where you work, go work somewhere else. You don't get the benefit of the brand when it's hot without accepting the blame of the brand when it's wrong.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Chinese Imports: When will America Learn?
How many incidents have been reported regarding substandard and even POISONOUS Chinese import products? Most recently; deadly children's toys imported from China, how about the toothpaste and crayons?
Here's another one!
Smarten up American consumers! Less is more, buy American.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Creative Contests a Farce?
Contests are designed as marketing tools to either sell lots of the product that is supposed to be used in the entries, to "celebrate" a grand opening or other event which will spread the buzz about a new site (providing free advertising and getting their site stats up.), product line or other, or to increase funds via the entry fees required. Maybe they just don't want to pay a designer and they need free booth samples for a convention, online gallery or show.
Some photography and art shows that are juried require enormous entry fees, some because they are non-profit and need to curb the expenses of prize moneys and paying a judge, etc. There may be other objectives, but those come to mind most quickly. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
A sure sign of a farce is when entrants that didn't follow the rules are not disqualified. Maybe they have a large following either through blogging or celebrity and the site wants the buzzzzz for themselves. They may even win because they have the most friends/contacts to vote for them regardless of the quality of their entry or the creativity of the other entries. Of course, if the most popular person wins, then the site wins too because who isn't happy about winning something and the blogging will go on and on and on causing more hype.
Even those contests that are judged by judges ("blindly" ha ha) and not by public popularity can be a farce. Not all, but most and it seems to be rampant in the paper crafting industry. They might be looking for someone who will work for cheap, or already has a following to add to their company groupies.
Here's a "for instance": Paper crafting product line new release contest, you need to have the kit first and you are supposed to only use those products, yet I see so many entries, especially in the beading section that use actual beads and metal findings that the company does not produce. Yet they are there for you to vote!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Terms of Enslavement: Your Photos Online!
Read More:,2933,496766,00.html