Monday, December 22, 2008
5 Men Convicted of Conspiracy to KILL Ft. Dix Soldiers
I am just wondering WHY we still allow Muslims into this country?
Yes, it's a free country but COME ON. We need to make a stand.
It seems to be their life long mission and religion to infiltrate the USA and kill Americans, their only purpose really. It may take a 20 year plan, but their mission remains the same.
If you are a Muslim and this is not your mission, I'd love to hear from you and hear how you feel about WHY they continue to attack us, what is it going to take to get them to stop? Do you love living in the USA? Do you frequently visit your homeland? Why did you leave there and/or come here?
Are you a citizen? I personally feel to live here, you should pledge your allegiance to the USA.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tired of double standards!
You wouldn't be considered stupid or lacking confidence if you sought self-improvement through higher education.
You don't need to be fat to motivate yourself to a healthier lifestyle; eating right and start going to a gym, it's just another way to better yourself.
I have always been an "A" bra size and although I've reached my ideal weight through diet and exercize for all of my 5'4", at 120 lbs I had 7 inches of icky "belly skin" leftover from carrying my very large and heatlhy children.
Regardless of what others may think, these two issues have always been areas I've tried to improve on. I'm not vain and there's no midlife crisis. These have been constant life issues for me. I'm going through a divorce, 16 years with a man I thought loved me, taking care of him and our home, our children and more, it's time for change. It's my turn to do something good for me.
I recently had cosmetic surgery to correct these two problems. There was no other way for me to do it. The diet and exercise couldn't do it and actually made the "A" cups a smaller issue!
I have been recovering for about 4 weeks and just now starting to get out again. Of course when people ask "where have you been"? I tell them and I am aghast at how many people say "but you're so cute and tiny!" and tell me I have self-esteem issues! The thought of having surgery makes them consider me a "lesser" person! Ridiculous. People seek self-improvement all the time and if you have a problem with cosmetic surgery, well that's you're problem NOT mine.
I'm perfectly content and happy with my decision and the results.
I did this for ME, not to change the way others view me.
If you see me you won't even know anything is different.
I look exactly the same and I'm the same person, which was never lacking in confidence, talent or personality. But now my clothes fit me better, I don't need push up padded bras and support undergarments! Which brings me to another point.......... WHY is it OK to wear support garments to enhance your body, but not seek a more permanent solution? Ridiculous!
Get over it.